Monday, September 30, 2013

Falling in love makes you boring.

Because all I want to talk about is how brilliant he is. But nobody else really cares ... so I stop myself mid-sentence and say things like--

"I like grapes. Grapes are good."

or, even better,

"It's really windy outside today" (as if any person who is with me doesn't already know darn well it's windy).

Such is life, I guess. It's a first for me, though, and I'd rather be dating him and be boring than be the most charismatic person on earth.

Another "problem" I'm currently facing is what to do when my former "skinny clothes" are now too big. I don't even think I look very different.

In conclusion, sometimes life stinks, but other times it's just really, really good.

Monday, September 9, 2013


When your boss' boss' boss tells you in the walkway how great you look and asks how you've lost all that weight (um, it wasn't that much) and you tell her you're planning on running another half marathon, that means there's no getting out of it. I better sign up for real.

And if the Mayberry Half goes as well as I think it will, next stop is the Charleston Shrimp and Grits Marathon in January. Doesn't that sound fun?