Monday, February 25, 2013


If I were to write a book about my life, first of all it would be mildly boring. Second, I would have to title it Whatever You Do, Don't Try To Be Nice. And it would have a manatee on the cover. That is all.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Belated Post on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is great. Why? you say. How can you like a day that celebrates romantic love when you've never even been in love? How can you like it when if you're not expressing love and appreciation to your significant other the rest of the year, it doesn't do any good to express it on a commercialized holiday revolving around some very distorted ancient history? How can you like it when it only makes single people more aware of their singleness?

I'll tell you.

I believe in love. And just because I don't have a healthy, happy relationship with a man I love doesn't mean I have any reason to resent a day on which other women in happy relationships can specifically celebrate them. Goodness knows the world needs all the happy relationships it can get, and how dare those of us who don't happen to be in one begrudge those who are.

Have we really stopped so low as a culture that it is acceptable to assume that the happiness of others is somehow hurtful to us? How does setting aside a day to celebrate romantic love hurt me?

Plus, there is no reason either to ba-humbug the kids out of a fun day to swap cute cards and candy with their little friends, or out of the rest of us to just be festive and wear special colors and eat way more candy than is good for us and spent time with the non-significant others in our lives.

I had a lot of fun, and I spent the evening with my girlfriends, decorating cookies, listening to music, and laughing.

So why hate? I love Valentine's Day.