Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Welcome to The Internet


1. Any opinion that doesn't agree with mine is biased and judgmental.

2. Any discussion board that stays up long enough will contain a post in which one participant calls another a Nazi.

3. Every interactive site will eventually feature a cat video.

4. The more trivial an issue is, the more likely people are to get upset about it (and start calling each other Nazis).

5. Any reference to religious convictions is, in fact, an attempt to violate the separation of church and state.

6. All discussion boards would be, if they adhered to the MPAA system, rated R.

7. Online service agreements change approximately every time you decide to use the service. Or more.

8. It doesn't matter how cool the interface change is, if it happens on a social media network, it will be complained about. Usually accompanied by expletives.

9. No matter how bad the fanfiction is you're reading, it can always get worse.

10. A lot of people blog so they can feel like they did something useful with their time, rather than recognizing it for what it is. Using the internet is practically like pulling that string in the story about the little boy who gets a magical string that controls how time passes in his life. Time, and life, are gone before you know it.

* I'm thinking of deleting my blog again. If you just read this post, the why is self-explanatory. But before I do, feel free to share additional rules.